Pivot Animator

A new version of Pivot Animator is now available

A help manual with lots of good information can be accessed here: https://pivotanimator.net/help5-1/index.htm 

If you would like to install this at home, a clean installer for Pivot 5 can be downloaded from here:  https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1NijJufhSTv4qWb_DOOpht6uu0pHWnsaO 

Please do not share this anywhere else, this version was given to us by the developer for school and student use.

You can download more complex figure for your animations from here: https://pivotanimator.net/stk-library/ 

Export as video for further editing

You now have a high quality (but large) video that can be edited in a Video Editing Program. This will allow you to add audio, transitions, credits, etc. You'll need to import the video into whatever program you are using for editing, edit the video, then export it back out. If you export as a "MPEG-4/H.264" .mp4 video file, you'll get a compressed video that should easily play on almost any device that plays video.

More information can be found in the Animation tab of this OneNote Notebook.