
From 2022 Amani is offering Weekends for Women+ as a formula to gather people, have a meaningful shared experience, and connect to each other while connecting within. The groups stay together for 3 days, live as a small community sharing spaces and activities, and go through a program focus each time on a different topic.  

Here is a collection of the weekends that already happened. 

To keep updated about the next ones, like the Amani FB page.

The next Amani weekend will be from 4 to 7 of July 2024, the topic and information will be available soon!

What lightness can do with our heart...

How do we need to root, in order to be able to fly?

Connecting to the inner voice and exploring what it has to say.

Listening to your inner world. 

Following the thread that brings us back to strength.

Playing women, in contact with creativity and its phases.

Other Activities

Wereld Moeder Dag

In collaboration with Wereldhuis Amsterdam. The Wereld Moeder Dag brought together a group of 26 enthusiastic people, including 14 children and their moms, who are asylum seekers from different african countries. Wonderful babysitters were playing with the little ones, while the mothers could be with each other with a light heart for a day of sharing and playing themselves!  


Every year, a day of coziness and sharing, with people from all the different Amani weekends: heartwarming conversations, playing together, creativity and some stories of course, to keep the contact warm and refill our souls with inspirations form each other.