Visual Arts:
Middle School
(students currently in 7-8 grade)

Visual Arts Middle School - Open to students entering grades 8 and 9

Visual arts students will develop skills and knowledge needed to produce competitive portfolios for specialized art programs. Students will work with at least two media over the course of the Institute. Emphasis will be on drawing and painting, developing students’ observational skills, and stimulating their conceptual and imaginative thinking. Students are provided regular opportunities to share their work with peers and receive feedback. Written self-reflections on their experiences and processes, and maintenance of a sketchbook journal will help develop students’ artistic identity. Engagement with community partners, interaction with professional artists, and museum visits enhance the students’ learning experience.  The Visual Arts Studios are in partnership with Studio in a School.  For more information on Studio in a School, please visit

Middle School Visual Arts Studio Audition Format

Portfolio upload, photo submission, and written response

STEP 1: Portfolio Upload: Upload 8-10 images of original works which demonstrate competency in one or more of the following media: drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and media technology. All images should be included in one file - please put all images into either a Word Document or PDF prior to uploading.

Note: students should include portfolio pieces that are original in their subject matter and execution. Therefore, we strongly advise applicants against including “copy art” of cartoons, anime and other fan art, etc

STEP 2: Photo Submission:  In addition to your portfolio works, please submit photographs of one still life drawing with in-progress photos. Prepare a still life scene.  Still life is defined as a collection of inanimate objects arranged together in a specific way. Possible ideas to include are dishes, food, books, reflective surfaces (mirrors or glasses), plants, items in your closet or on top of your dresser (shoes, brushes, jewelry, clothing, a vacuum, etc.).   Buildings, animals, people, trees or outdoor scenes or architectural spaces are not considered “objects”.  Use only a pencil and either a 8 1/2 x 11” or 12 x 18” piece of paper to draw your still life.

The drawing should be completed within 30 minutes.  You do not need to use the entire time.  We are looking to see how you develop your drawing. Please take photographs of your work throughout your drawing and submit 4 photographs for the drawing at the follow times:

STEP 3: Written Response:  This program is intended for students who are profoundly interested in advancing their art skills and repertoire of materials, while supporting one another in a vibrant art and learning community.   This will make for a constructively supportive and competitive environment in which students can grow substantially as artists in a short period of time.  Be prepared to work very hard! If this sounds good to you, please answer the following questions:

1.   Describe your experiences in art?  Have you studied art in school? If not have you studied art outside of school during your middle school years?

2. Why do you want to take this course and what do you hope to gain from spending a summer in this program?

3.  What media do you have experience working with, and which media would you like to work with this summer SAI?



Check out our Teen Arts Audition Prep Series Site