Digital Etiquette

Digital Etiquette is the electronic standards of conduct or procedure. The proper rules of behavior while using technology devices and interacting with others.

  • Is it okay to have a mobile phone conversation in a crowded bus, subway or elevator?

  • Should intimate information be shared out on social media?

  • Does everyone need to be connected 24/7?

Digital Access

Digital Access represents: hardware, internet access as well as access to software needed for creativity, productivity and function.

  • How do all citizens gain access to technology instead of few or many?

  • Should high speed internet be considered a basic human right or human need in today's society?

Digital law

Digital law is defined as electronic responsibility for actions, deeds which is either ethical or unethical. Unethical use manifests itself in form of theft and/or crime. Ethical manifests itself in the form of abiding by the laws of society.