TERM 1 - Week 4


Keyboarding skills are critical to your productivity in all your classes. Putting in a little extra effort and a few minutes EVERY day can make a huge difference.

GOALS: Speed = 30wpm, Accuracy = 100%

CONSIDER: How would you personally rate your own keyboarding skills? *

  • GREAT - I'm so good at typing I don't even think about it when I'm doing my work.

  • GOOD - I'm still getting better at it but I can do all my assignments without any problems.

  • FAIR - I have to focus on it a lot and sometimes I struggle to get my writing assignments done in the time given but, the more I do it, the better it gets.

  • POOR - I feel frustrated and upset whenever we have to do a lot of typing and time seems to always run out before I can finish the assignments.

Assignment 4

Part A - Take the first 5-10mins of class to do some keyboarding warmups.


Part B - WHEN YOU ARE READY - - Go to the TESTS link at the top of your screen.
On the sidebar, select the 1:00 test.

- When you see the results screen, record your scores (wpm & accuracy) on the provided worksheet.
Complete multip
le attempts to get your best possible score.

(The teacher MUST see your worksheet before you continue on to additional activities)

< you may attempt this assessment as often as you have time for during class in order to present your best possible scores >

REFLECTION: How did it go?

  • Do you feel your performance was where you want or expected it to be?

  • Is there room for improvement?

  • How can you commit to improving your typing skills this term?

If you are interested - Here is a short video on Tips for Learning to Type Faster

Recommended practice sites: https://monkeytype.com/ https://www.keybr.com/ Dance Mat Typing

Supplemental Classwork <do not begin this section UNTIL the teacher has confirmed your completion of Assignments 4>

- You may explore any of the 6th grade science activities on the state UEN website: UEN-INTERACTIVES