High School Book Club: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

High School Book Club: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with Patrick Healy

Students- have you heard from friends and/or family tell you that “You really should read the Harry Potter books at some point?” and they’re sitting there on the family bookshelf waiting for you? Well, maybe this is that point? Or have you already read all seven, know what Hogwarts House you’d be in and what your Patronus spell is? Either way, this session is for you. Building on the popular book club series at Scarsdale High School, in this group session, students will explore and discuss the themes, characters and events of Harry, Ron and Hermione in their first year at Hogwarts. From the first time we meet the Dursleys to the awarding of the House Cup, we will discuss and unpack the whole book and how it so brilliantly sets up the series that follows. Participants should have read the book in advance of the session. The intended audience is meant to include newcomers to the series as well as those more or fully familiar with the larger Harry Potter canon. The session will avoid “spoilers” for future books, though may highlight or emphasize important details that hint at later developments.

Topic: High School Book Club: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with Patrick Healy

Time: Apr 6, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)