American Revolution

Welcome to the American Revolution!

4th graders,

This section of the HeathcoteGateway is dedicated to all things American Revolution The American Revolution project culminates in AmRev! which is the live event where you showcase what you learned and created during the full American Revolution  experience.

Topics, Projects, Guidelines

Research Topics

4th graders...

When you have an idea of which topic you wish to pursue please fill our the survey for your class. This will give your teachers an idea of how many students are interested in each topic. This will help to create research groups. All final project will be independent, but students will be able to work together on the research portion.

The independent study form is for students interested in a different topic during the 1754-1763 timeframe. Only fill out the Independent Study form after you speak to your teacher.

AmRev: Topic Orientation

Click here to make a copy of this document if you would like one for your self. Make sure you put it in your Social Studies folder.

Projects & Guidlines

Script Templates:

These are the script templates you are familiar with, customized for CapCon!

Click on the format you want, based on the type of final project you are doing, and once the document is open go to File -> Make a Copy to make a copy for yourself. Replace the word Copy in the new file with your name. Put your newly named copy in your Capstone folder in Drive.