All About Mrs. O'Neill

A Little Bit about Mrs. O'Neill

🌸I am very excited to be starting my third year in the Scarsdale School District as a Fourth Grade Special Education Teacher with Mrs. Rago this year at Heathcote.

🌸My previous teaching experience at Heathcote was teaching second grade with Mrs. Luciano and then third grade with Mrs. DeGrazia. 

🌸Before joining the Scarsdale School District, I was a New York City Department of Education Special Education Teacher. I started my career as a First Grade Special Education Teacher and then transitioned to being a Fourth Grade Special Education Teacher. This will be my ninth year of teaching in an Integrated Co-Teaching classroom.

🌸 I love traveling and visiting new places. This summer I spent two weeks in Italy with my husband Stephen. We traveled to Venice, Florence, Rome and the Amalfi Coast. 

🌸It has always been my dream to become a teacher! I believe the most important attribute to have is to be equitable. Providing students fair and equal opportunities to shine throughout their educational journey is what I, as an educator, want to provide for my students. Instilling in students the importance of advocating, being open to receiving guidance and to not be afraid to try and take risks. I, as a teacher, follow this mindset and I will be your child’s biggest supporter this year as we embark on the year ahead together!