Welcome 4RO Students and Families!

We are so excited for the upcoming school year! We have so many exciting and inspirational activities planned for this year! One of the activities in our class this year will be to think about our most important hopes and dreams for the school year. We invite you to join this activity by sharing your hopes and dreams for your child. Please take some time to answer these questions before the first day of school. 

You can send your responses in an email to afrantzrago@scarsdaleschools.org

and coneill@scarsdaleschools.org or you can fill out the Google Form below by 8/30/23.

In the first few weeks of  school we will ask the children to name a hope or dream for themselves for this year. The children will write down their ideas and illustrate them. It would be great if you could discuss your hopes and dreams for them and let them share the hope or dream that she or he named.

We look forward to talking with you from time to time about your goals for your child and your child’s progress toward meeting them.

Students, on the first day of school please bring in something special from this past summer. It can be a photograph, postcard or brochure of a place you have visited. Also, please bring in a photograph of yourself. We will be using this photograph for our class bulletin board throughout the year. Additionally, please come to the first day of school with your school supplies. We will spend some time organizing them in class. 

Lastly, please browse through our Google Site, take a look at our schedule and read our "All About" sections to learn more about us!

We cannot wait to see you all!

Thank you.


    Amber Rago and Ciara O’Neill