
Below we provide some videos that show examples of Infant-Directed Speech in the real world as well as in other languages!

Using Infant Directed/Child Directed Speech to Read to Infants

This video explains how an adult can use Infant-Directed Speech to make reading more engaging for their baby. The video recommends "stretching" or exaggerating the pronunciation of words so that babies can hear the clear distinctions between vowels in your words and see how your mouth moves to form words.

Infant Directed Speech and Sportscasting

This video explores how one can use sportscasting along with Infant-Directed Speech. Sportscasting is when one narrates everything they are doing. Sportscasting can be used as a way to have things to say to your baby in IDS. If you lack examples, you can always use sportscasting!

Mother Using Infant Directed Speech with Child

In this video, we see a mother using Infant-Directed Speech (IDS) to read a book to her baby. We see that her speech is slower and elongated. The exaggeration of her mouth movements serve as a model for her child so that he knows the necessary mouth movements to make these sounds. The pitch of her voice is also higher to get her child's attention.

Infant Directed Speech in American Sign Language (ASL)

Infant-Directed Speech isn't only for spoken language; it is present in signed languages too! We see a demonstration of IDS in American Sign Language (ASL) in this video. IDS in ASL manifests in exaggerated facial expressions, sustained hand movements, and mouthing words. First, a question is posed and then modeled by each signer. The person on the left is signing in ASL without using the tell-tale signs of IDS. The person on the right is using IDS as they sign.