Transportation Forms

The Bus Authorization Form must be completed and submitted to the transportation department before your child may ride the school bus to daycare or other alternate bus stops. Alternate bus stops must be consistent (5 days a week) 

Complete this form to have your child transported to/from the District Approved Daycare - See the "SASD Daycare List" tab at the top of this screen for details.

If your child was enrolled in a daycare at the end of the previous school year, then that is where they will be scheduled to start the following school year. If circumstances have changed in your household, you must complete a new Authorization Form with the new arrangements.

All completed Bus Authorization Forms must be sent to your child's school and the Transportation Office via email

If a student attends a private school and needs transportation, please refer to the "Families tab" on the district's home page. Parents will need to create an account under "new student registration" and request transportation for the private school.