Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my child ride a different bus home today?

No. It is against school policy for a student to ride another bus than his own assignment.

Can my child get off at a different stop today?

Yes. A student can use a different stop under three conditions: 

1) It is a stop already part of their assigned bus route

2) A note signed by the parent/guardian to the driver

3) Phone call to transportation


Can I change my child's stop?

Yes. Your child's stop can be changed if there is an appropriate reason such as daycare or change of residence.

Please complete the online Bus Authorization Form located under the Transportation Forms tab

 Is there a school delay today?

Please check our weather emergencies page for this information

Can my Kindergarten child be met by his brother/sister?

No. Kindergarten students must be met by an adult 18 years of age or older. Brother/sister must be 18 years of age.

Only individuals that are listed on the Dean's List will be able to receive students off of the bus. 

Should I communicate with the bus driver?

Yes. It is very important that you and your child keep an open line of communication with the school bus driver as much as possible. Encourage your child to speak with the driver about incidents that may not be readily obvious.

Can you tell me more about alternate bus stops?

Completion of a "Bus Authorization" form is required if your child needs to be bused to a daycare or alternate address on a consistent basis. These forms can be obtained from your child's school or by printing the form provided on the TRANSPORTATION FORMS PAGE.

 Please allow 3 to 5 days from receipt of this form to implement your request.