Grade 2

Second Grade- Here's a link to the web site I showed you:

Here's a video of teacher Donna Massello-Chiacos reading and playing instruments with the book, "In The Tall, Tall Grass". Used with permission.

In The Tall, Tall Grass.MP4

Hi Second Grade,

Here's a video of the Granola song by my friend Spencer. He would love for us to play and sing along with his recording.

This is a great song to sing along and bang on an empty yogurt container or shake a bag of granola like a maraca or better yet, use the shaker or spoons instrument that you made!

Make a musical shaker with things you might find in your house.

  1. Toilet or paper towel roll

  2. Wax paper or Construction Paper

  3. Tape

  4. Scissors

  5. Dry beans, rice, lentils, nut shells, pebbles

How to Make Musical Spoons

Materials list:

Tape - any kind of tape

1 piece of thick paper or two pieces of regular 8.5 X 11 paper

2 plastic, wooden or metal spoons. Spoons need to be same size and shape.