

Video length: 28 minutes

Get to Know your Macbook.mp4

Learn the basics of using a Mac and be up and running in less than 30 minutes. Skip ahead to locate the following:

1:07 Apple Menu

1:45 System Preferences

2:06 Desktop Background/Screen Saver

3:12 Connect a bluetooth device

3:30 Sound settings; connect speaker/headphones

3:50 Create, store & manage files/folders on desktop

4:00 What is the dock? How to organize & manage apps.

10:29 WIFI, battery, search, siri & notififcation menus

14:20 Navigate & organize files, folders & apps in Finder

20:33 Window buttons; Red, Yellow, Green

23:40 Customize your finder window toolbar

Macbook for Beginners - Niemis

Here are a handful of quick tips for anyone new to Macbooks!

Red Yellow Green Window Buttons

The red button closes the window. The yellow button minimizes the window, placing it in the Dock. The green button can either take the window into full screen mode, or maximize the window to its logical size.

Click-and-hold-green allows you to put two apps side-by-side.

Resize & Arrange Windows

You can open multiple windows and/or different types of windows at the same time.

Learn more about moving, resizing, aligning, merging and managing your windows here.

Take a Screenshot or Screen Recording

  1. Entire screen is Command + Shift + 3

  2. Partial screen is Command + Shift + 4

  3. Shift + Command + 5 allows you to record your entire screen or you can choose to record just a portion of your screen.