Wellness Videos

Meditation with

Mr. Halaw

Presented by: Mr. Halaw SBHS Teacher

Interested in learning more about the benefits of meditation? Come practice with Mr. Halaw!

Lemons to Lemonade

Presented by: Dr. Randy Sconiers, DSW, LCSW (Dr. S)

Tune into this fun and engaging video which provides mental health education through hip hop culture. Help to educate yourself on the importance of wellness.



How to cope with grief

Presented by: Mrs. Scarpa, BRIDGE Clinician

Grief is an emotional response to a great loss. The pain of that loss can sometimes be overwhelming, but there are healthy ways to cope with your grief and learn to heal! Mrs. Scarpa explains what grief is, and how to cope in this video.

How to navigate the transition to college

Presented by: SPS Guidance Counselors

Mr. Dennehy and Mr. Kuzma

Tune into this informative video that helps students navigate the transition to college during the pandemic. SPS counselors give tips on what to expect in college, how to socialize while staying safe and how to maintain a healthy work/life balance!


Stress-Free Minute

Presented by: Mr. Millmans, SAC

Watch Mr. Millman de-stress with some flavored bubble tea at Junbi, located in Princeton right on Witherspoon Street! Check out their website here- students get a 10% discount when you show your school ID!

Bibliotherapy - May 2021.mp4

Presented by: Mrs. Hanusosky, SBHS Libriarian

Watch this awesome video that explains how to use literature to cope with emotional issues.

Bibliotherapy Book List


Relax & Restore with Ms. Henderson

Presented by: Ms. Henderson, SAC, RYT 200

Looking to relax and restore your body with yoga? Come learn about helpful ways to release stress and create a mind and body connection.

Meditation and Yoga Presentation

Ice Cream.mp4

Ice cream with Mr. Millman

Presented by: Mr. Millman, SAC

One of his favorite forms of self-care is indulging in ice cream. Find out his go to spot in this quick video!

MHF- Adult Issues - Google Slides.webm

Positive Body Image

Presented by: Mrs. Henning, SBHS Health and PE Teacher

Take a sneak peek at SBHS 11th grade health with Mrs. Henning! Learn about different ways to build up your self-esteem and gain a positive body image.


Grounding Exercise

Presenter: Mr. Brisson, BRIDGE Clinician

Try this quick grounding exercise with Mr. Brisson to become more present in the moment.

Heartfulness Institute Teens Give Tips to Manage Stress


Check out the Heartfulness Institute, offering resources and opportunities to learn about and practice meditation

Adolescent Issues and Mental Health - Google Slides.webm

SBHS Freshman Health

Presented by: Mr. Buckler, SBHS Health and PE Teacher

Untitled: May 9, 2021 2:46 PM.webm

SBHS Senior Health

Presented by: Mr. Swercheck, SBHS Health and PE Teacher

Catch a glimpse of what our SBHS 9th and 12th grade health teachers touch upon in regards to mental health, depression and suicide prevention.

Millman goats

Updates on The Millman Farm

Presented by: Mr. Millman, SAC

Take a tour of Mr. Millman's farm and see how he de-stresses with his chickens and goats!

Benefit Excersise.mp4

The Benefits of Exercise

Presented by: Mrs. Scarpa, BRIDGE Clinician

The benefits of exercise on your mental health can have a profound effect on your overall wellness. It reduces stress, increases self-esteem, improves memory and helps you sleep better. Click the video to hear more!

Homemade Stress Balls

Feeling stressed? Try making one of these simple stress reducers!

Presented by: Mrs. Orlando, Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher

Stress Ball Recipe

The Benefits of Stress Balls

Mental Health is Important

Presented by: Shashi Khanna, LCSW, Therapist

Contact Information

Mindful & Multicultural Counseling

Reduce Stress with Music

Research has shown that listening to music may have an effect on anxiety, blood pressure, and stress hormones. Check out this YouTube video - "Weightless", by Marconi Union. It was created to reduce anxiety (a 65% reduction) and was done in collaboration with sound therapists. Its carefully arranged harmonies, rhythms, and bass lines help slow a listener's heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Check out the website too!!!!

Tips to Reduce Anxiety & Stress

Presented by: Meg Moran, Clinical Social Work Grad Student

Rutgers University

Email: meg.moran719@gmail.com

Email: Jason@ShineYogaCenter.com



Nature's Oils for Your Home

doTERRA Essential Oils

Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki is a certified yoga educator, MA in psychology and dĹŤTERRA Essential Oil Gold Leaders, who is passionate about facilitating transformation and committed to empowering individuals and families with simple & effective tools to naturally manage their mental, emotional and physical health.

Jason, co-founder of Shine Yoga Center, named one of the Best Yoga Studios in NJ, draws on over 20 years of experience living a holistic lifestyle - incorporating yoga, meditation, essential oils, healthy eating, conscious communication & authentic relationship to help guide you to a place of greater joy & self-awareness so that you can make healthier more fulfilling choices in your life.

How To Run a World Marathon

Presented by: Keri Mandell

Check out Empower Yoga Studio owner and world marathon runner, Keri Mandell, as she discusses the importance of goal setting and setting your mind to achieving success!

Yoga Swole

Before The World Turned Upside Down, I Ran it in 7 Days

Email: info@cornercounseling.com


Grounding Techniques to Reconnect Us to Faith

Presented by: Suzi Ismail

Suzy Ismail is the Founding Director of Cornerstone, a nonprofit, faith-based communication intervention organization with several locations around the world that focus on youth, family, marriage, identity, socio-emotional wellness, and relationship rebuilding. She specializes in educating and empowering women, youth, and vulnerable populations by presenting a range of workshops, lectures, programs, diversity seminars, and corporate trainings both nationally and internationally. Her extensive humanitarian work has been recognized with numerous awards including the Ambassador for Peace Award and the Visionary Muslim Award.

DIY Bubble Tea

Presented by: SBHS Nurse Guo

Check out this Bubble Tea video created by our very own Nurse Guo. Give it a try! A special treat that's delicious and fun!!!

Using Mindfulness to Deal with Our Emotions

Presented by: Morgan Crease, LSW

Adolescent Clinician

High Focus Centers, Lawrenceville, NJ

Phone: 609-349-7659


Sleep: The Lost Priority

Presented by: Mrs. Donna Sichta, School Nurse at Indian Fields Elementary School

Mrs. Sichta has been a school nurse for 20 years in the elementary, middle and high school settings in the South Brunswick school district. She is passionate about educating people about the importance of sleep to become their best self!

De-Stress With Mr. Millman's Animals

Presented by: Mr. Millman, Student Assistance Counselor

I think of my pets, past & present as family members. I would rather spend Thanksgiving with my cat Bart than a few relatives because he is a better friend. I think most others who own pets feel the exact same way as I do. As a counselor, I often talk to students about their pets. They share pictures and stories. If the student shows such a bond, I feel they have an advantage over their peers who struggle emotionally because they are more often than not better prepared to manage stress and experience improved overall happiness with the support of their animals. Over my lifetime I have had dogs & cats, chickens, goats, fish, rabbits, and lizards. I feel indebted to have had the honor to share their existence. I like to think I have brought happiness & joy to their lives as they brought enormous happiness to mine. I know when I am having a bad day, some time spent with my pets always brings an improved mood and often a good laugh.

Presented by: Mr. Millman, Student Assistance Counselor

Try a new way to de-stress with some farm animals! Meet some miniature horses and learn about how animals can help us to let go of any stress.


How Animals Help Regulate Mental Health

How Owning a Dog or Cat Can Reduce Stress

Security and Connectivity Provided by Pets

The Connections Between Vaping, Addiction and Mental Health

South Brunswick High School's Incorruptible.US is a group of students and advisors who come together to educate the South Brunswick School District and community on the negative effects associated with vaping. Check out SBHS' Incorruptible.US Middlesex County Youth Representatives, Yashi Srivastava and Nora Abdelfattah discuss the vaping epidemic.

Bored at Home?

SBHS senior and Public Health Club President, Isha Patel creates this awesome video for some "at home fun!"

Check out "36 Things To Do If You Are Bored at Home Because of the Coronavirus."

SBHS Strength & Conditioning Workouts

SBHS Gym Teacher Ray Ostrowski provides three different strength and conditioning workouts for all to enjoy! Please find the written directions for each video below:

Video Directions

Backpack Upper Body Workout

Backpack Lower Body Workout

Backpack Full Body Workout

Confronting the Vaping Epidemic

Presented by: Matt Bellace, PhD

Matt Bellace, Psychologist and Comedian, talks about the dangers of vaping in a clear and easy-to-understand way. He conveys the seriousness of the consequences and also provides a positive and hopeful approach to choosing not to vape. You can access the accompanying Discussion Questions and Activities by registering for free here.

Presented by: Ms. Henderson, Student Assistance Counselor

Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200)

Email: kara.henderson@sbschools.org

Yoga Sequence to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Interested in learning yoga? Check out Ms. Henderson's 30 minute yoga sequence. Calm the mind and strengthen the body as she leads you through a yoga sequence designed to reduce stress and anxiety during this difficult time. Grab your mat and find a quiet space. Namaste!

Phoenix Wellness Center Provides Two At Home Coping Skills

EMDR: Healing Trauma with Eye Movements

Presented by: Poonam Patel, LPC

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This is an approach that evidence has shown as effective in treating the after effects of trauma.


Deep Breathing Exercise

Presented by: Poonam Patel,LPC

There are many ways of doing deep breathing exercises, but this is one of my favorites! It can be done anywhere and help you manage intense emotions in a healthy way.


Local Personal Trainer Talks Exercise & Mental Health

The Positive Link Between Exercise and Mental Health

Presented by: Cassie Stevens

Cassie is a certified personal trainer through the NSCA with a Bachelors Degree in Sports and Health Science. Cassie has experience working with all different populations from young athletes to the senior population. Whether you are brand new to working out, coming back from an injury or want to increase your strength and speed on the field Cassie can help you! She strongly believes in functional fitness and chooses exercises that will help not only towards your fitness or athletic goals but will reduce risk of injury and help with every day tasks.