Illness Protocols


If your child had been diagnosed with strep throat, pink eye (conjunctivitis), bronchitis, Fifth's Disease, Coxsackie, ringworm, pin worm, mononucleosis or other "catchy" illness please call or email the nurse. Your child will need a note from your health care provider to return to school.

24 Hour Rule:

Fever: Keep your child home until he is fever free for 24 hours without medication

Vomiting or Diarrhea: Keep your child home for 24 hours after the last time he/she vomited or had diarrhea

Antibiotics: Keep your child home for 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotic for an infection (ie: strep throat)

If you are not sure if your child should stay home from school, talk to your pediatrician or school nurse.

When to Keep a Child Home from School

Deciding whether to keep a sick child home from school is a hard decision, especially if it means missing work or paying for childcare. Here are some guidlines to follow as you consider whether you child is sick enough to stay home:

1 . A fever 100 degrees or higher is a signal that your child should stay home. The child should be fever free (without the aid of motrin, tylenol, etc) for 24 hours before they return to school . The child should also be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.

2 . Has been vomiting or has diarrhea

3 . Has symptoms that keep your child from participating in school, such as:

* Very tired or Lack of appetite

* Cough that he/she cannot control

* Body aches/Earaches

* Sore Throat especially with a headache or stomache ache

* Is his/her illness contagious to others? If so keep them home. It is not reasonable bring germs to school.


Reminder - please notify the school when your child is absent . Include name, class, and reason. This will help us to disinfect classrooms properly and track the incidence of illness.

All absences must be reported. You have 3 options in contacting SBS to report your child's absence/lateness:

1.) Call our main number (732) 747-0882, press 8 and then press 1 to leave your message

2.) Email SBS via the SPTG App found on the SPTG website, or

3.) Email SBS directly at

***** Please be sure to keep your contact information current in the Parent Portal (ie: change of cell #, change of job #)