G&T News

GT 2022-2023

Grades 3 and 4 at Long School

A Year of Greatness!

Grades 3-4 at Franklin, Helen I. Smith, and Long Memorial are studying Ancient Egypt in their Gifted and Talented classes.  After learning the steps of the ritual of mummification, we mummified apples.  Each student was given an apple. Next, each student recorded its dimensions.   Afterward, each student carved a design into their apple.  Lastly, each apple was placed into a baggie, continuing baking soda and salt to dry out the apple.  We will continue to monitor the "mummies" as the weeks progress. 

Students began the process of making papyrus, the ancient form of paper made from the Papyrus plant. Once the papyrus is dried, students will decorate with hieroglyphics! 

G&T classes also created replicas of pyramids using clay and toothpicks.

1st and 2nd Grade G&T  at Franklin School are working on coding! They are using the website code.org to learn the basics of the coding process. By the end of the coding unit, they will be able to make their own video game using coding! The students are so excited to learn how to code! 

Students in grades 1 & 2 G&T at Smith School have been learning about coding over these first few weeks of G&T.  They practiced some "media balance" by stepping away from the computers and reflected on their feelings about coding.  Overall, the class appreciated the challenge of solving the puzzles that they have been working on!  Students collaborated to check in and discuss the definitions of our key coding terms before they moved into their first opportunity to tackle binary code.  Students are doing a great job!  

5th and 6th grade Gifted & Talented students at Long Memorial are working hard on their shark tank projects! 

Grade 3 and 4 G&T Long School

Students in Mrs. Mazzone's Gifted and Talented class proudly showing off their Create an Animal projects.  These are on display in the media center for all to see.