School-Wide SEL

Equitable, Supportive & Welcoming Learning Environments

A young person's success is linked to their capacity to thrive - to feel, be, and be seen as competent in multiple life domains - and is a product of their opportunities to develop individual competencies and experience supportive conditions. Adults can support young people to succeed and thrive through life by helping them develop their individual competencies."

The Readiness Project (2020)

Schools who commit to SEL intentionally cultivate a caring, participatory, and equitable learning environment and evidence-based practices that actively involve all students in their social, emotional, and academic growth. This approach infuses SEL into every part of students’ daily lives—across all of their classrooms, during all times of the school day, and when they are in their homes and communities. SEL is a deeply ingrained part of the way students and adults interact both in the classroom and out of it, and helps provide children with equitable, supportive, and welcoming learning environments. (CASEL)

CASEL: Elements of School-Wide SEL

The highest level of SEL support occurs indirectly as students navigate through the school culture. In an environment where SEL skills are consistently modeled by staff, students experience what SEL competencies look like, feel like, and sound like within authentic interactions. Because students are immersed in an SEL culture, where display of the competencies are apparent in every location, the likelihood of skills being internalized greatly increases. (CASEL)

Explicit SEL Instruction

Students have consistent opportunities to learn, practice and reflect on the SEL competencies of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social-Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision -Making. This occurs throughout their K-12 experience in ways that are developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive.

SBCUSD Resources: Second Step (K-8), School Connect (High School).

SEL Integrated into Academic Instruction

SEL learning objectives are integrated into instructional content and teaching strategies for academics as well as music, art, and physical education.

SBCUSD Resources - slide decks: Fostering Academic Mindsets, Aligning SEL and Academics, Using Interactive Pedagogies

Youth Voice & Empowerment

Staff honor and elevate a broad range of student perspectives and experiences by engaging students as leaders, problem solvers, and decision-makers.

Supportive School Culture & Classroom Climate

School-wide and classroom learning environments are supportive, culturally responsive, and focused on building relationships and community.

Focus on Adult SEL

Staff have regular opportunities to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence, collaborate with one another, build trusting relationships, and maintain a strong community.

SBCUSD Resources: Second Step for Adults

Supportive Discipline

Discipline policies and practices are instructive, restorative, developmentally appropriate, and equitably applied.

SBCUSD Resources: Tier 1 Implementation - TFI 1.5 - Problem Behavior Definitions & TFI 1.6 - Discipline Policies

A Continuum of Integrated Supports

SEL is seamlessly integrated into a continuum of academic and behavioral supports, which are available to ensure that all student needs are met.

Resources: MTSS Implementation Support

Authentic Family Partnerships

Families and school staff have regular and meaningful opportunities to build relationships and collaborate to support students' social, emotional and academic development.

Aligned Community Partnerships

School staff and community partners align on common language, strategies and communication around all SEL-related efforts and initiatives, including out-of-school time.

Systems of Continuous Improvement

Implementation and outcome data are collected and used to monitor progress toward goals and continuously improve all SEL-related systems, practices and policies with a focus on equity.

Resources: Panorama Data - Equity & Inclusiveness, Climate & Culture, SEL

CDE: Conditions for Thriving

The CA Department of Education (CDE) has outlined a set of conditions that support SEL development across all levels of the educational system. The provide recommended practices and actions that adults across t can use to co-create conditions that support SEL development.

When implemented thoughtfully and consistently, and in collaboration with leaders working at all levels of the education system, the T-SEL Conditions for Thriving support development of equity-focused learning environments in which children, youth, and adults have opportunities to develop and practice skills.

      • Value positive relationships and belonging as conditions for learning and promote educational climates that are welcoming, inclusive, culturally responsive, identity affirming, and empowering for all students, staff, families, and community partners.

      • Cultivate affirming, caring relationships with families that engage them as partners in their child’s learning and create a climate that affirms the strengths, values, cultures, and lived experiences of students and families of diverse racial-ethnic identities.

      • Involve educators, students, family, and community members representative of varied gender, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds in decision-making processes. Articulate shared language for T-SEL and its direct connection to whole child development and learning.

      • Adopt culturally informed and affirming policies and that reinforce equity, inclusion, and anti-racism. Use T-SEL to address bullying, racism, and disparities to cultivate advocacy and decrease adversity.

      • Demonstrate self and social awareness as it relates to the demographics of the student body and community. Notice whose perspectives and modes of communication are dominant in meetings, discussions, school processes, and events and seek out or elevate the voices of individuals from marginalized groups.

      • Model and practice T-SEL competencies with all people, in all settings, and all aspects of work to foster engagement and belonging and regularly engage in reflective practice regarding implementation and modeling of T-SEL competencies.