Fixed Vs. Growth Mindsets

Fixed Vs. Growth Mindsets

A fixed mindset is the belief that a person’s potential is fixed and cannot change. It is the belief that talents lead to success and effort is not required. Intelligence and talents are highlighted rather than working to develop and improve them.

A growth mindset is the belief that learning and intelligence can grow with time and experience. When a person believes he/she can become smarter, that persons realizes that effort has an effect on success, so he/she will put in extra time, leading to higher achievement.

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

What is your mindset when faced with a challenge?

Do you give up? Do you tell yourself it is too hard? Do you say I will never learn this?


Do you keep trying? Do you understand that learning new things take time, patience and effort? Do you tell yourself, I cannot do it just yet, but I can learn it?

Growth Mindset Activities
