
Every child is uniquely made in the image and likeness of God. In the multi-age classroom, the educational environment operates on the individual’s level. Each teacher has approximately 15 students. We offer the same curriculum as local schools but help them form their Christian character, personal prayer, and a strong sense of purpose in life. Teachers work with students to develop healthy friendships rooted in Christian principles.

We have computers at a ratio of one-to-one, Smartboards in every classroom, and a Hands-on-Science Program. We provide Before Care and tutoring in the After Care Program.

Our school is a great place to learn. Our school library is the beautiful and modern Oak Harbor Public Library, two blocks away. The playground is safe, fenced-in with numerous swings, slides, monkey bars, and plenty of green space in which to run around. All doors have magnetic door-locks accessible with door phones. Numerous security cameras throughout the building provide access online and in the school offices. St. Boniface is very secure and clean.

Additional School Services

School Nurse: A Benton-Carroll-Salem school nurse provides the following services to St. Boniface Students:

  1. Eye exams for grades 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th.

  2. Hearing checks for grades 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th.

  3. Check and keeps children’s health records up to date.

  4. Talk on personal hygiene and growth to the middle school students.

School Psychologist: We enjoy the services of the Ottawa County School Psychologist on an as needed basis.

Speech Therapist: A speech and hearing therapist employed by the Benton-Carroll-Salem School District will conduct classes for St. Boniface students on an as-needed basis.

Special Education: Students who have active Individualized Educational Plans (IEP) will have services provided by tutors contracted through PT Services out of Fremont.

Academic Curriculum

St. Boniface School follows the operating standards of the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association (OCSAA). Our curriculum follows the Curriculum of the Diocese of Toledo and State of Ohio Standards. Grade specific Courses of Study are available upon request.

Religious Education

The primary purpose of St. Boniface School is to provide instruction in our Catholic faith while maintaining high educational standards. We recognize that parents are the primary faith educators of their children. At St. Boniface School, we assist and support parents in the instruction of Catholic values and virtues.

Religion instruction: Each day begins with a whole school prayer service. Students also receive daily religious instruction at each grade level. Catholic ideas and Gospel values infuse our instruction throughout the school day and are not limited to religion class. Religion instruction follows the Diocese of Toledo Religion Curriculum.

Liturgical Celebrations: Each school day begins with a school prayer service. St. Boniface School students also attend and participate in Mass on Friday mornings at 9:00 AM. Please note that this Mass is not a substitution for weekend Mass attendance. Also, the first Friday of every month affords the students the opportunity to participate in Eucharistic Adoration. Other opportunities for participating in liturgy, prayer and sacramental celebrations include but are not limited to: Participation at Holy Day Masses, entire school Rosary prayer, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Stations of the Cross and other prayer opportunities based on the liturgical seasons of the church. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to attend our celebrations.

Sacrament Preparation: Our 2nd grade students receive formal instructions for receiving the Sacraments of Penance and First Eucharist. Our 6th through 8th grade students receive formal instruction for Confirmation. Sacrament preparation is coordinated with the St. Boniface Church CCD Religious Education staff. St. Boniface School parents and students as well as CCD parents and students work together to prepare their children to receive the sacraments. Attendance at evening parent meetings and other specific events is required. Specific details regarding Sacrament preparation meetings will be sent home throughout the year. Please watch for that information.