H. Austin Snyder Elementary 

H. Austin Snyder Building Principals 

Pictured is current building Principal Mrs. Murrelle and Snyder's very first building Principal from 50 years ago, Mr. Yanuzzi.

"Everyone can RISE above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do."

-Nelson Mandela

Snyder Scoop Advisor- Mrs. Swartley

Editor- Ada Mosier

Photography Team Leader- Scarlett Lattimer

Technology/Design Team Leader- Kellin Sorensen 

Letter from the Editor: A very special thank you to those who have helped out with this issue: Mrs. Hakes, Mrs. Owens, and Mrs. Martin.


Current Photos by Aisha Winiavski

Snyder Scoop Advisor- Mrs. Swartley

Editor- Ada Mosier

Photography Team Leader- Scarlett Lattimer

Technology/Design Team Leader- Kellin Sorense

Letter from the Editor: A very special thank you goes to Mrs. Hakes, Mrs. Owen, and Mrs. Martin for their help!