Medical Biotechnology Lab

The Medical Biotechnology lab is focused on diseases and disease related diagnostic techniques. We educated our students to handel biological samples like blood, urine and plasma from patients to estimate the parameters like sugar and cholesterol. 

List of Experiments

1. Experiment 01: Blood collection process: Venipuncture method

2. Experiment 02: Serum separation from Blood

3. Experiment 03: Plasma separation from blood

4. Experiment 04: Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and VLDL Test

5. Experiment 05: Bilirubin Test

6. Experiment 06: Determination of Albumin in Serum

7. Experiment 07: Glucose test in Urine

8. Experiment 08: Urea and Uric acid Test 

9. Experiment 09: Estimation of GOD/POD in Blood samples

10. Experiment 10: Estimation of SGOT(AST) from blood serum