need academic help? Check out what tutoring options we offer for students!
need academic help? Check out what tutoring options we offer for students!
For Tutoring Options, Click here!
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got a job offer and need a work permit? click down below!
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There are many local and national programs available to help with basic necessities and to ensure that all children have access to food while schools are closed.
Resources we gathered for your use to help support your student and family.
In addition to the resources provided by Portland Public Schools, many educational websites are offering free services to help students and parents with remote learning.
If you need immediate assistance please call the school at (714) 241-5000. If you have any mental health questions or concerns you can call SAUSD Mental Health Resource line, Monday-Friday 8am-4pm (657) 290-9527. If this is an emergency call 911 immediately.
If you need immediate assistance please call the school at (714) 241-5000. If you have any mental health questions or concerns you can call SAUSD Mental Health Resource line, Monday-Friday 8am-4pm (657) 290-9527. If this is an emergency call 911 immediately.