♡ Keyla Bautista ♡

All About Me <3


I am the middle child *lol* shouout to all my middle children! I have two sisters, their names are Kelley, who is 18, and Astrid, who is 14, and they are my day ones for real. Kelley is who I can run to whenever I have problems. More than a sister, she is my inspiration and the person I hope I can one day be. Astrid is my little sister and the person I hope I can be a role model for. She pushes me to do silly things and brings out the goofiness in me! My parents are Carmen and Joaquin, and they motivate me to try my hardest in every aspect of my life every single day. We are all from Mexico (I was born and raised there), so most of my family is back there, but I am happy whenever I get to see them.


Although I am an introverted person, I love making friends *I know I'm weird like that* SO when I got to get close to two lovely people this year, I was more than happy. Helena and Vanessa are my two main friends. I love doing anything if it means that they'll be there! I love learning dances with them and just spending time doing random things! *if y'all are reading this roblox hiiii*

Personality/HobbiesFav Food and Music!

As I mentioned, I am an extroverted introvert. When I get comfortable, I can do all kinds of things, but I still get nervous ordering food *lol*  I'd like to say I am a joyful person for the most part #staypositive, and I love laughing at random things. Some of my hobbies include reading, spending time with friends, listening to music, and watching new shows or movies. My music taste is all over the place, so I can't exactly pinpoint a specific genre, but my favorite artists are The Weeknd, Taylor Swift, and Bad Bunny. When I'm not listening to that, I love Spanish rock *yuhhh* and I have been recently getting into R&B. In terms of academics, my future career goals are centered around the medical career path. I am a pre-med major, and I want to specialize in either neuroscience or pediatrics. I have always been drawn to science, which is why my current favorite subject is chemistry *shoutout to Mr. You* 

Leadership Qualities!

Team player

Whether at home or at school, I am someone who can collaborate and work in a team! I am always open to new ideas and suggestions about how a situation or a project can improve. I don’t necessarily like the way hierarchical structures work, but rather, I like to include everyone and make decisions based on what the majority agrees. In a sense, I want to get everyone’s input when it comes to any project. I constantly show this leadership skill in every aspect of my life. Even in something as simple as choosing a place to eat, I have to get everyone’s opinion. In ASB, I like demonstrating this when it comes to painting posters or putting up decorations. I make sure that we all want or think a certain thing and I collaborate in doing so. 


I am a person who is dedicated to whatever I’m doing. I have to make sure that I am doing my very best and I show my dedication to it. In other words, I am a perfectionist when it comes to starting projects. This does not mean that I overly stress about them, but it means that I go the extra mile to ensure that I am giving it my very best effort. This skill I demonstrate both academically and socially. I like to stay on top of my assignments because I think that work ethic helps build that discipline in all aspects of my life. I have gained multiple departmental awards as a result of this, and I hope I can continue to stay dedicated! Outside academics, I go through with different projects. I practice this with the club of NHS, in which I currently hold a leadership position in. Through this club, I have strengthened my leadership skills and I now know how to thoroughly start and continue projects, even if difficulties are faced. 


I like to think of myself as a charismatic person! I always try to keep a happy front even when circumstances get difficult. I believe that it’s best to deal with issues if one has a clear mind and knows how efficiently combat the stress. I also think that I’m very approachable, which is important when it comes to getting feedback about events, projects, etc since people are more likely to give honest input. I demonstrate this at home and school. Whenever there is a deadline approaching, I get into a productive mindset but always take breaks when needed!

My Contribution to ASB :)

So I have been in ASB since I was a sophomore here at MCHS. When I first joined, it was the year after COVID, which brought a lot of issues since we had the job to create more hype around school spirit. I was fairly new to it all, but I gained a lot of experience when it came to organizing events, making posters, creating spirit weeks, etc. My second year in ASB however, has taught me a lot about how events should be run! I always make sure to help around everywhere and contribute to the team effort. Overall, I make sure that I participate in most spirit weeks, and that I am part of the major events we hold as a school. I understand that because we are a small campus, the activities are very limited in terms of getting better venues, sports, etc. However, I believe in making the best out of everything, which I why I wholeheartedly think that we can be a small school full of spirit! 

My School Spirit ;)

SOOOO, in my time at MCHS, I have shown spirit in multiple ways. The main one is ASB, of course. I try my best to show up at all the school events and help along with the whole team to make them as successful as possible. I participate in most spirit weeks and attend all the dances. Aside from ASB, I'm involved in clubs on campus. As part of the dance team, I am able to bring life to all the different rallies and events we hold. Not only that, but I have come together with a community of wonderful people! Next, I am part of clubs like NHS, Ladies First, and GSA. Through NHS, I have been able to promote community service opportunities which are open to anyone who wants to get their community hours done! I believe that this promotes spirit since it brings people from MCHS together in order to improve our community. Ladies First is another impactful club that has allowed me to learn about the struggles women face and participate in all their events! I have learned a lot from this club and gotten to know different people. Lastly, GSA is another club in which an accepting community is created! This again has brought me closer to a community in which school spirit is promoted.

Extracurriculars :D


As mentioned before, NHS is a club that has allowed me to grow as a leader! I currently hold the position of Co-Vice President, which has allowed me to learn a lot about how to handle events from the leadership perspective. We have organzed different events such as park cleanups and helping out in elementary schools! The main takeaway I have received from this club is how to collaborate with a team in order to create a bigger event. Even though it sounds simple, there are different factors that go into planning a simple meeting such as creating the slideshow, marking attendance, planning the events themselves, etc. I am in no way the best leader and I still have a lot to improve! But I have learned a thing or two, and I am hoping I can use that knowledge :)


The Nicholas Academic Centers have been a big step in my academic journey. I have received help when I need help with my assignments and have interacted with peers from different schools! This has been an important excracurricular as it has taught me responsibility as a student when it comes to completing weekly requirements. I have gained social and self skills that I hope I can keep applying in the future. 


Ladies First, BBBS, Dance Team, and GSA are the other clubs that I am part of! Ladies First has allowed me to participate in different events that bring awareness to what women endure! These events have given me the chance to interact with my peers and advocate for this community. Big Brothers Big Sisters has also been a big part of my outside activities. Once a week, I get to mentor an elementary-aged child. I have gained valuable communication skills through this and I have attendended leadership summits! Although I have only been in it for a year, Dance Team has really allowed me to encourage school spirit. In every event and assembly, the last show brings a wrap-up feeling, which I think gives a spark to the events! Lastly, GSA has allowed me to be in a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community and I have gained various knowledge through guest speakers! These clubs have formed my club journey and have strengthened me as a person.

As a Vice President...

I am hoping I can take this opportunity to provide you guys with a great school year!!! As a small school, we face twice the challenge when it comes to bringing about school spirit. However, we can make it work and implement events where we will all be able to participate to create a better environment! Some ideas I have for the following school year:

Thank you for reading all that ;) and I hope you can consider me as a potential candidate <333