Haidy Valencia

All About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Haidy Valencia and, as of very recently, I am 17 years old. I am the oldest child of 4 (including my dog) and a fun fact about me is that I love traveling to different places whether it be with my family or friends (even though I've really only gone to San Francisco and San Diego). Some of my hobbies are drawing and cross stitching, which I try to do as often as I can when I have the time to do so. 

Pictures of the places I've been

My bunny and my dog

Leadership Qualities


Being understanding is an important value that I always try to have. I think that in many cases being understanding is what can help solve problems and not create new ones which is why it's a good leadership quality to have. Once being Secretary I will do my best to be understanding at all times and listen to everyone's perspective to help build a positive community.

Being Involved

I believe that being involved is something that is beneficial to any person. In my case being involved has helped me improve many of the skills that have helped me become a better leader. One of my skills that has improved the most because of this has been my public speaking voice. Although, my voice still shakes at times (because of how nervous I get) I am now able to speak in front of a rather large group of people and not fall completely quiet. To me this would have been completely impossible to do as of a couple of years ago but I am glad and proud of the work that I have put into improving this skill.

Being Proactive

Being proactive is a great skill for a leader to have. I think that taking the initiative to try and solve problems before they are created is always something that is better to do when it can be done. I feel like I personally do my best to try and take care of what must be done before an even greater problem is created.  

My History in ASB

I applied to join ASB during my Sophomore year and thankfully was accepted then. So far in ASB I have helped organize club rushes, helped make posters for spirit weeks, and decorations for our school dances. 

Extracurricular Activities

Having taken leadership positions in clubs and being involved in other activities has allowed me to gain the skills that I need to be a great ASB Secretary. 

Other Things I've Done in the Past

Thank You!! :)