About ME!

Hi there! Here is a little background about myself and my life as an educator. I grew up in the area, graduating from Somersworth High School in 2015 and finishing my Master's graduating from the University of New Hampshire in 2020. I have a Bachelor's in English Teaching, which I recieved in 2019, and I have a Masters in the Art of Teaching English as well. I have a passion for teaching and wouldn't see myself doing anything else. I taught in two middle school classrooms in Italy and have done a lot of traveling during college. Although this is my first offical year teaching, I did a full-time internship at Dover Middle School this past year and I am so excited to bring all that I learned into my own class with you this year!


  1. I would do anything for Taylor Swift and I will be referencing her often.

  2. I love Disney movies and will never forget, or let anyone forget, Hannah Montana, a true queen.

  3. I have three cats.

  4. I love astrology and learning about how the moon and planets impact our lives and how we act.

  5. I love spongebob, and I am indeed a goofy goober.

  6. I write poetry and I am publishing a book of my poems.


  8. My favorite book is Frankenstein and favorite quote from the book is " Beware; for I am fearless and therefore powerful."

  9. I like meditation and like to do mindfulness breaks during class.

  10. I am not okay with Tom Brady leaving, and please don't ask me about it.