Derry Cooperative School District > School Board > Policies and Procedures > Section K - School-Community Relations

Section K - School-Community Relations

KA/IJO: School, Community, and Home Relations

KB: Title I Parent Involvement in Education

KBA/JRA: Student Records and Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) Policy

KCD: Public Gifts/Donations

KCM: Food Service

KDCA: Use of Students in Public Information Program: Public Information/School Communications Program

KDCA-A: Use of Students in Public Information Program

KDD: Media Relations

KEC: Reconsideration of Instructional Material

KED: Facilities or Services - Grievance Procedures (504)

KFA: Public Conduct on School Property/Assaults

KFA/JICG/GBED: Tobacco Products Ban: Use and Possession in and on School Facilities and Grounds

KFAA: Public Conduct on School Property - Athletic Events

KH: Public Solicitations in Schools

KHE: Political Advertising

KI-AA: Visitors to Schools

KLE: Relations with Health and Welfare Agencies