A new waterway...

Use rain water for life

Painting Jedlyn.pdf

Water cities

A new water way in Sassuolo

Students analysed the route of the San Michele canal, which takes its water from the Secchia river.  

After viewing photos and maps of the 2 areas, they designed and represented through a model the spaces they would like to have in order to use them in a sustainable way.

The areas are equipped with bicycle and pedestrian paths,  with rainwater recovery along the banks, play areas, benches, birdwatching huts, canoes, pedal boats and free bicycles for sports (with the help of the teacher of technology Mr Costanzo).

A sustainable school

Students created a model of a sustainable school with outdoor spaces for educational activities, including a synergistic vegetable garden, a rainwater recovery plant, photovoltaic cells for energy production and a composting plant for recycling organic waste.