About The Leader Development Coach


We help leaders at various stages on their career path

We are champions for self-discovery, self-awareness, & use-of-self. We leverage this to help you achieve your dreams and goals

Equipped with knowledge of your unique personality advantages, we support you in learning more about your own personality, leadership style, and desired goals. 

We use a variety of tools and approaches from  leadership psychology paradigms to help leaders connect with their strengths,  ambitions, asking thought-provoking questions and offering trusted feedback. 

What is a leader development coach, anyway?

We define a Leader Development Coach as a partner and facilitator who joins you in your development journey of self and others.  

We understand the dynamics between leaders & followers, and your influence as a leader is paramount to the performance of your team and the success of your organization. 

We view leader development as distinct from leadership development. 

Though of course intricately connected, we view leader development as prioritizing individual development; whereas, the latter as prioritizing relational development.

This partnership focuses on the influence of a leader, being any ambitious professional, likely the first of their kind, serving at any level of an organization (not just the c-suite) or maybe you are an entrepreneur of sorts.  We are here to support you.


Lead Change  for Yourself & Others

With our help, leaders better understand how to pioneer necessary change in their teams and across their organizations. 

Enhance Your Leadership Presence

Clients who partner with us can expect to refine their core leadership skills & improve their executive presence.

We acknowledge that leadership happens at all levels of an organization, not just at the c-suite 

Whether you are early on in your career, or more advanced & seeking reinforcement, we partner with you,  your team, and your organization to support leader identity development. 

We bring in components of personality theory, organizational assessment, psychological theories on leadership, and other schools of thought. 

Our Approach 

Ours is an individualized approach to pursuing your goals and desired outcomes. 

We use personality & character assessments, and other high-powered resources for self‐awareness. From there we also engage in action guides, and action planning for your success.

We are known for our propensity toward ambitious results, our ability to customize & individualize, our executive ability to transform ideas into action, and our growth mindset.

As leadership psychologists, our approaches are influenced by practice in self-awareness. 

We believe self-knowledge and awareness promote your empowerment; thus, we want to help you acquire a deeper understanding of your own unique propensities and leadership identity. You will maximize your influence,  and be inspired to live and lead with purpose, clarity, and effect. 

We look for common ground to foster trust and we of course support diversity and inclusion. We provoke your untapped potential. We incorporate our approaches using best practices.

Here's how it works

Get started with your leadership 5-minute personality assessment! Then meet us!

From here we can configure customizable solutions together.


Select your session, process your payment,  and secure your virtual meeting time on the booking page


Next, we will send you your five-minute, leadership personality assessment


Finally,  attend your scheduled appointment. 

You receive your results immediately upon completion, and you meet with us to experience the in-depth analysis & custom debrief 

Our Experience

Our coaching & advising services help leaders of various levels, and across multiple industries to optimize their leadership identity

We are knowledgeable in organizational development and management consulting  strategies to assist you in assessing dilemmas in the workplace

As certified personality profile advisors, we help you uncover your unique leadership strengths and unlock your potential. You discover your natural advantages.

Our background in job analysis and career coaching also supports your success. 

With our portfolio of services and wide industry knowledge, we help leaders generate impact and individual development. 

Our reach &  impact


Change can be smooth, and change can also be a bumpy ride

Either way, with our partnership, prepare to be in the driver's seat.

We help you on the journey; but, we don't drive the terrain for you.

We'll bring our knowledge of how individuals operate as leaders and followers;  and you bring your real-world scenarios, your conundrums, your goals, and your aspirations.

What's your leadership story? 

Clarify who you are, and who you want to become as a leader, with reflection and goal setting. 

What do you want to achieve, and ultimately, what kind of leader do you want to become?  What skills do you still need to acheive to get there?

What's your leadership style? 

Leadership styles can vary across technical, transactional, adaptive, inspirational, transformational, and other practical modes.  Which style best suits you?


Different than in a therapeutic relationship 

We offer coaching,  not therapy 

We specialize in psychology to better understand your needs,  but our role does not provide clinical treatment

Our practice provides both coaching and advising services distinctly 

Therapy is a crucial resource to many;  and, we leave clinical intervention to our licensed mental health partners in the field

We start with the present, & partner with you into the future  

At times we may incite the past to provoke evidence of your successes & aspirations; but, we will not dive into your past for traumatic history or clinical interpretation


We support flourishing individuals who would like to continue to be more successful 

We want you to realize your most satisfying career, and life possible

We also hold a Christian worldview, and we welcome every creed


Find  purpose & meaning through your work

Reconcile your spiritual beliefs with your day to day work


Awaken to your divine self

We want to help elevate purpose and meaning in your life  through the attainment, engagement and identification of your unique skills and abilities.  

You will be encouraged in self-reflection to help you build credibility, build relationships, effectively lead teams, and more. We also value holistic and spiritual health in assessing leadership identity and style.   

Struggling with work overload? We want to help you deepen your sense of fulfillment by practicing who you are at your best for the benefit of yourself and the lives you touch. Emphasizing a holistic approach to personal, professional, and leadership development encourages the whole person, and since we believe every person has a unique purpose, we need you to be whole.