SIT Team

The Student Intervention Team is a school-district-based, systematic professional process including early identification, screening, referral, and support for all students with identified needs which can affect school performance and full development of our children. The SIT Team is a group of SBS staff and teachers working together to assist teachers & parents when students are experiencing challenges at school. When teachers have concerns about students, they meet with the team to discuss observations, student data and progress in school. The team works together to consider the child's academic, social, and emotional and behavioral needs or barriers and writes an action plan for student success.

This action plan may make recommendations such as:

  • simple classroom interventions
  • curriculum modifications
  • vision/hearing assessment by the school nurse
  • family communication, involvement and support a teacher buddy
  • behavior intervention and support
  • counseling or counseling group at school
  • referral to a specific school program for academic or social/emotional support
  • establish a parent meeting to discuss further recommendations and actions needed

You can feel free to also contact Selene Gordon who is the Director of the Education Program and facilitator of SIT meetings

If the team feels that a student may have a learning disability, speech or language impairment, emotional disturbance, or some other disability, they may recommend testing through the community or local school district for special education department. On occasion the team may provide parents with information on outside/community agencies to assist the child. We do not diagnose, treat, or refer your child for treatment. Rather, we will provide you with information; you make the choices. Our goal is to help your child succeed in school. The SIT Team is just one way we try to meet the needs of each student at Sant Bani.

How does the SIT Team process work?

  1. Parents or staff member suggest a referral to the SIT Team.
  2. Referral information is completed by the student’s teacher.
  3. The teacher contacts the child’s parents to notify them of the referral.
  4. The Team will gather specific information about your child’s performance in school.
  5. The team meets and reviews the data collected.
  6. The team suggests strategies to help your child achieve success in school.
  7. Parents are provided with information, if necessary, from the teacher.
  8. Interventions or support are implemented and usually documented for 6 weeks.
  9. The SIT Team plans a follow-up meeting to assess effectiveness of plan or to offer additional support to student and/or family.