Liang Yu Hung

I am currently a teacher of San Jose Chinese School and the leader of the education group of the Northern California Chinese School Federation. For me, the biggest stage goals of being a Chinese teacher are to first let students not display repugnance towards Chinese. Then, I want them to not be afraid to use Chinese. Next, to let them like Chinese. Furthermore, have them willing to learn Chinese independently. Finally, be able to use Chinese flexibly in all aspects of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Therefore, I think that the teacher’s task is not only to prepare teaching plans suitable for students and apply the best way to transfer knowledge, but also to create a classroom where students can learn with confidence, are willing to speak enthusiastically, and are not afraid of making mistakes. I am also convinced that only more use of language learning can stimulate interest and confidence, and achieve the ultimate goal of independent learning and lifelong learning.

Teaching Philosophy and Characteristics

  • Regardless of age, all individuals in the classroom must be respected.

  • The task of the teacher is to create a classroom where students can study at ease, are willing to speak enthusiastically, and are not afraid of mistakes.

  • Treat mistakes as nothing unusual; when students make a mistake, it is the best opportunity for teachers to understand and teach students.

  • Pay attention to oral interaction between teachers and students and between students, and encourage and guide students to speak more.

  • Multimedia-assisted teaching arouses students' interest and deepens their impression.