About San Jose Chinese School

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Students,

I would like to thank the experienced passionate teachers; the hard-working energetic staffs and volunteers; the brilliant awesome students; also, a special thanks to all parent’s trust and support. Without all of you, San Jose Chinese School can’t be severe the area for forty-nine years.

For forty-nine years, San Jose Chinese School continuously provides the best education on the Chinese language and culture to future generations. This is the school mission. The pandemic impacted our lives a lot through the pass two years.

However, it does not stop the willing of learning and teaching Chinese for our students and parents. We are so glad that this year we can go back to normal classroom.

I am honored to be the 49 th principal of San Jose Chinese School. Our team will continue the school mission and provide the best education to all students.


Annie Chow


Our Mission

San Jose Chinese School is a non-profit educational institution located in the Almaden Valley of the Southwest Bay of San Jose, founded in 1974. This school is a school that adopts a parental mutual aid system, and the administrative staff of the school is voluntarily assumed by the parents of the school. The teaching purpose of our school is to promote the essence of my Chinese culture as a supplement. The seeds of learning Chinese are deeply rooted in the hearts of overseas Chinese and grandchildren in a simple and life-oriented teaching method. We are proud of our school's rich teaching experience. A caring group of teachers, a high-quality group of teachers is an important rock for our school to stand firm! And our ultimate goal is to educate children who can integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and further achieve our heritage. The purpose of fine traditions and cultural ethics.


Founded in


Student-to-Teacher Ratio


Extracurricular Classes


AP Chinese Score

Campus Activities

Chinese New year Carnival

Student Works Display

Teacher's Appreciation Banquet

Board Meeting