About Mr. Pav

My name is Mr. Pav and this will be my 9th year teaching. I have been a part of the Sanger community for the past 5 years, and I have taught World History and Sociology each year I've been at Sanger High School.

I've been married to my wife Kara for 5 years, and we have two children. My daughter Mila is 4 years old, and my son Kohen is almost 2 years old. Both of them have lots of character and they keep my wife and I on our toes. The last addition to the family was our dog Zero.

I love to teach and I enjoy spending my free time with family and friends. I come from a family of teachers. My mom and my sister are both teachers. My wife Kara is a teacher as well. Most of my friends are involved in either teaching or coaching. With that being said, I am very passionate about many other things. I love to spend quality time with my family. We like to travel a lot. I am very passionate about coaching and I ran my own water polo club Praetorian. I enjoy swimming and MMA. I really don't like to run, but I still do it few times a week.

I grew up in Europe, Serbia to be more specific. I graduated from two high schools "Atwater High School" and "11th Sports High School" in Belgrade, Serbia. I got my B.A. in Social Science from Fresno Pacific University, and also completed my credential program.

I am looking forward to 20-21 school year because it will be different than any other school year. For the first time, we will have to adjust to the virtual classroom and we will face many challenges. But don't worry, we are in this together and we will grow with each new day.

Email: milorad_pavlovic@sangerusd.net

Phone/Text: 559-524-7121 Ext. 7391 / Remind account

**email or Remind text is the quickest and easiest way to get ahold of me.

Students Messaging Options:

  1. Remind: Students may message via Remind during school hours only 7:40am-3:10pm

  2. Email: Students may message via email at anytime. However, outside of regular school hours, emails will be responded to at the teacher's discretion.

  3. Google Classroom: Students can message through Google Classroom. However, Remind and Email are preferred by the instructor and will receive the quickest response.