Services Model:

The SSPS district has implemented a collaboration model, Professional Learning Communities (PLC), to ensure that all district curriculum and instruction is modeled on best practices. Data is used in the PLC process to determine the needs of every student including EL students.

Interventions are planned at the PLC team meetings based on the needs of each individual student, including EL, In addition to highly qualified teaching staff, the district has intervention specialists, special education teachers, and language acquisition specialists (LAS) who work closely with the administration, classroom teacher, and the EL student at all sites.

Most EL students are offered pull-out additional language development support on a weekly basis. Frequent collaboration with the classroom teacher supports the students in the regular classroom. Teachers and the specialist review the student's ELAP and make appropriate accommodations to classroom instruction.

In addition, the district schedules early release of students on Fridays so that teachers may collaborate to address curriculum standards and best practices for reaching all learners. The expectation is that all teachers participate in professional learning communities to address teaching and learning in the classroom. The goal is to provide instructional practices which reach all learners.

All students who need intervention, including EL students, are progress monitored every two weeks to assess the intervention and make adjustments. Each site monitors their own RTI data during staff meetings and dedicated collaboration time. Intervention strategies are adjusted based on this monitoring.

EL students will be included in the PLC weekly discussion of student learning. The focus will include the increase in English and knowledge of the content standards. While our Language Acquisition Specialists cannot be at all sites at the same time, once the team focuses on the student and determines needs, the LAS will be notified and the LAS will meet with the team to offer instructional suggestions and share the methods that are successful with the instruction needed.