Frequently Asked Questions

Nominee Eligibility

Q: Am I eligible to apply for District Teacher of the Year?

A: If you meet the following qualifications, which are comparable to county/state Teacher of the Year, you are eligible to apply for District Teacher of the Year.

Q: Is it mandatory that I apply?

A: No. Applying for District Teacher of the Year is optional, but strongly encouraged.

Q: Why do I need 9 years of teaching to qualify?

A: Our guidelines are based on the qualifications needed for County Teacher of the Year. Nine years of teaching is needed to qualify for the County. We hope that the individuals selected for District honors will apply for County Teacher of the Year. 


Q: What makes a good Teacher of the Year candidate?

A: Quality teachers provide the foundation for student learning and achievement, supporting the district’s mission that all students will graduate with the skills, motivation, curiosity and resilience to succeed and be active participants in society. The district’s definition of a quality teacher aligns with the five core propositions the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards uses to measure teaching excellence. How do you embody these principles?

District Teacher of the Year Application

Q: What does a strong application look like?

A: A strong application addresses all the questions posed, using examples and stories that show what you do. Don't just list what you do (unless specifically asked to list something) - bring your teaching to life by showing the selection committee how you impact students each day. Show how you go above and beyond for your students and for your own development as a teacher. Three letters of recommendations must also be submitted, including one from your principal/site administrator.


Q: Is there a particular format I should follow?

A: Please follow the directions for each section of the application. Please use 12-point Arial font, double-spaced with .75 margins on each side. For section II - Involvement, you may use half a page for question 1 and 1.5 pages for question 2, vice versa or you may use one page each, as long as the total number of pages submitted is 2. Section III should be no more than 4 pages and should address all questions posed.


Letters of Recommendation

Q: From whom should I get my Letters of Recommendation?

A: Letters of Recommendation should be written by individuals that have seen you teach and can affirm your work in the classroom. We strongly recommend obtaining letters from the following individuals. *Please note, the County requires one letter from your principal.

Q: Why is it limited to one page?

A: The County requires that letters of recommendation be one page. Should you be selected as District Teacher of the Year and apply for County, you may use the same letters and not have to ask those who wrote letters on your behalf to rewrite or edit their original letters.


Selection Process

Q: When and how will I be notified if I am selected for an interview?

A: Interviews will take place March 7. All candidates will receive notification via email. If you have been selected for an interview, the time will be included in that email. There is very little flexibility in scheduling interviews, so we ask that you make arrangements to be available that day and time. Interviews run approximately 20 minutes.


Q: What if I can't make the interview?

A: Notify Isabella McNeil and Melissa Hudson immediately, but please try to accommodate your assigned date and time.


Q: How should I dress for the interview?

A: It's suggested that candidates dress in business or business casual attire. Interview attire is preferred.


Q: When and how will I be notified if I am selected for an observation?

A:  Observations will take place March 13. All candidates will receive notification via email. If you have been selected to be observed, the time will be included in that email. There is very little flexibility in scheduling observation times, so we ask that you make arrangements to be available that day and time. Observations run anywhere from 10-20 minutes, based on the day's schedule.


Q: What if I am not available for the observation?

A: Notify Isabella McNeil and Melissa Hudson immediately, but please try to accommodate your assigned date and time.


Q: If I am selected District Teacher of the Year, when will I know?

A: Selecting our Teachers of the Year is a lengthy process. You will be notified no later than March 21

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