Safe & Secure

Reach out to the Wellness Center Coordinator at your school site or our Wellness Team at  for 1on1 support if you need help getting connected to a resource. 

We are here to help. 

Housing Resources

Dial 211 (dial 2-1-1)

211 will go through all of the available housing programs and spaces currently open in San Diego for you & your family. 

Reach out to our Wellness Team if you want to learn more about rapid rehousing programs, shelters, safe parking, HUD and other housing programs that may be a good fit for you & your family. 

Healthy Relationships

" .. a healthy relationship with yourself sets the standard for a relationship with someone else.." 

Intimate Partner Violence 1-800-799-7233 text 88788
How to #StartTheConvo. CCS.pdf
Relationship Rights. CCS.pdf
How to Help a Friend. CCS.pdf

Human Trafficking

How to help my friend? Signs of HT?

coming soon!