Leadership Teams
Marketing Team- 2022/23
Leader: Izabella Sexton
Event Planning Team- 2022/23
Leader: Aliya Hussen
Wellness Team- 2022/23
Leader: Lourdes Quezada
Education Team- 2022/23
Leaders: Rachel Rivera and Alexa Huerta
2022-2023 SJA Student Leadership Team
The Executive Leadership Team encompasses executive and operation manager, education, finance, fundraising, event planning, human resources, marketing and communications coordinators.
Executive Leadership Team meets every Wednesday at lunch in room 172
Event Planning/Finance team meets every Tuesday at lunch in room 175
Wellness Team meets every Monday at lunch in room 258
Education Team meets every Thursday at lunch in room 153
Marketing/Communications meets every other Friday at lunch in room 174
If you would like to join a committee, please come to a meeting!
Izabella Sexton: Marketing & Communications leader
Aliya Hussen: Event Planning leader
Rachel Rivera and Alexa Huerta: Education leaders
Lourdes Quezada: HR/Wellness coordinator
TBD: Vice President of Executive Leadership Team
TBD: Treasurer of the Executive Leadership Team
2022-2023 SJA Staff
Ms. Sharon Apple: 9th Grade English & Introduction to Ethnic Studies; Advisor, 9th Grade Task Force
Ms. Lacey Dodd: 11th Grade American Literature & UCCI Critical Thinking and Social Change; Restorative Practices 1,2; Advisor, SJA Wellness Committee; Advisor, Hoover Garden Club
Dr. Kasimu Harley: SJA Consultant
Mr. Ted Hernandez: Social Justice Academy Director; 11th Grade AP Language & Composition & UCCI Critical Thinking and Social Change; 12th Grade AP Literature & Social Action Theatre; Advisor, Creative Writing Club; Advisor, SJA Executive Committee
Ms. Anishka Lee-Skorepa: ELD 1-4
Chef Tina Luu: Culinary Arts
Ms. Elizabeth Macias: 12th Grade ERWC & Social Action Theatre; Restorative Practices 1,2; Advisor, SJA Marketing & Communications Committee
Ms. Victoria Martinez: 9th Grade Biology;
Mr. Matt Moody: ELD 5/6
Ms. Beatriz Montes: ELD Counselor
Mr. Scott Myers: ELD 3-6; 9th Grade English; 10th Grade English
Mr. Aaron Pores: ELD 1-2
Ms. Sonja Revilla: Spanish 3,4; AP Spanish
Ms. Laura Romo: SJA Counselor
Ms. Sheri Sevenbergen: ELD 1-2; Advisor, SJA Education Committee
Ms. Natalee Whitlock: U.S. History
Mr. Hank Yamfang: 10th Grade English & Social Emotional Learning; Advisor, Event Planning/Finance Committee