Student Voices 

Data Gathering Plan

Part 1: Community Schools Sub-Committee Working Group Pullout - (3/2)

Part 2: Data Collection

Refine the process as well as the questionnaire as per feedback given through the community schools sub-committee pull out on 3/2. 

(a) Teacher On-Boarding for Focus Groups 

(b) ALD/ELA/ELD Focus Group & Survey Implementation 

(NOTE: This was not done during out CSSC pullout time becasue we ran out of time; Richard, our CSC, will be going through the rosters of students we do not have data on and identify the chronically absent from that list to complile our home-visit list)

Part 3: Data Analysis

Process Questions/Wonderings



Wave 1: 

Wave 2: 

Supporting Implementation Documents

Example: Hoover Student Needs & Assets Assessment Results

CSSC Audit (5/9) - ELA CS Sub-Committee Buddy Program

Suggested Sequencing of Docs & Resources

Wave #1: Docs & Resources: 

Landing Page - ELA/ELD Student NAA Implementation
ELA Student NAA Implementation Tracker
ALD/ELA/ELD - CS Student NAA Ask
Listening Project: Focus Group Presentation - Students
Focus Group GO - Student
Student Focus Group Results GO - FOR TEACHER USE

Wave #2: Docs & Resources:

Wave #2 - CSSC - CS Student NAA Ask
ELA CS Sub-Committee Buddy Program