OnBoarding, Site Mapping, & Capacity Building

Context: SDUSD is within our 2nd year of implementation of the Community Schools initiative. We are increasing designated Community Schools from 5 in 2022-2023 to 15 in 2023-2024. Currently, there are ten schools that are entering their year one implementation phase and need to engage in onboarding, site mapping, and capacity building. 

Purpose: Ensure community members across all educational partner groups understand the purpose, process, and prospects of being a Community School as well as being welcomed into the collaborative leadership bodies that are necessary for the continued success of the Community Schools model. 

Glossary for commonly used terms



Component 1: Prior To Start of School 

a. Finding Purpose - Calibrating as to why we are doing the work. 

b. Cohort Split Workshops - Each cohort identified the journey they will be going on for either implementation year 1 or 2, depending on which cohort they are within. Cohort 2 focuses on being able to define what a Community School is as well as generating an elevator pitch for future onboarding conversations. 

c. Funding & Budgeting 101 - Teams were educated on the dos and don'ts as well as the overall process regarding funding and budgeting for Community Schools. 

d. Best Practices & Learned Lessons - Coordinators and site coaches share different tips and tricks for year 1 implementation for both cohort 1 and 2 sites. 

e. Cohort Split Workshops - Each cohort learns more about the next steps that they will be taking within the following year's implementation phase. Both cohorts focus on working with their teams to construct the slide decks for the preschool onboarding Presentations.

a.  "Perfect School" - Participants will be identifying the different attributes/characteristics of a "perfect school" to create a goal for us to reach for through the Community Schools process. 

b. Defining Our Terms - What is a Community School? - Participants will be exposed to the different components of what it is to be a Community School and construct an organic definition individually and then as a group; ending with the provided definition by NEA. 

c. Uniqueness of a Community School - We will identify the difference between a Community School and a non-Community School as well as acknowledge the notion that all community schools will be different because each one comes from a unique socio-political-geographic location. As a result, each site will work to identify the particular prioritized needs/areas of growth for their site. 

d. Community School Pillars - We will work to engage in an overview of the four Community Schools Pillars and have participants engage in an assessment of where their sites are with each pillar as well as initial goal setting to improve each pillar for their site. 

e. Creating the Change - Participants will hear about success stories from the Community Schools process and provide their own self-reflection on what assets they themselves bring to the table to create the change that they want to see. 

f. Overview & Next Steps - We cover what the application process entails as well as what educators can do to push the Community Schools process within their own sites. 

a.  "Why Community Schools?" - Explain the improvement science nature of the Community Schools process and the evidence for the efficacy of the process. 

b. "What has happened up to this point?" - Explain what occurred last year with regard to the needs & assets assessment. Showcase the data results.

c. "Now what?"  - Explain what the next steps are for the year and preview the aim, purpose, and procedures of the working groups (transformational teams).

d. "Call to Action" - Provide an overview of all the different actions that can be taken by the different educational partners to aid in the work for year 2 implementation. 

a.  "Perfect School" - What does a perfect School look like to you? Audience participation. 

b. Community Schools 101 - (i) What makes community schools unique? (ii) Why Community Schools? Describe the purpose and aim of the initiative. (iii) Explain the 4 pillars. (iv) Provide the community schools best practices. 

c. Funding & Resources - Explain how the funding has been allocated to the site as well as the procedures for utilizing community schools funds. 

d. Roles - Explain roles and functions of the coordinator and the site coach. 

e. Road Map - Explain the benchmarks and journey of year one of implementation. 

f. Next Steps - Explain the short-term next steps that the coordinator and coach will be working on as well as how educational partners and push in to aid in the work. This can be an initial call to join the community schools team. 

Component 2: Site Pre-Planning 

Component 3: SITE MAPPING 


Make sure to identify: 


Onboarding Improvements



Support & Implementation Docs

1. Onboarding Supports 

3. Site Mapping Supports