Collaborative Leadership

Collaborative Leadership


"Collaborative leadership and practices, the fourth pillar of community schools, provides the relational “glue” that connects and reinforces the other pillars, making it foundational and critical for the success of a community school strategy. By developing a shared vision and goals and creating participatory practices for distributing responsibilities, a community school leverages the collective expertise of all of its stakeholders. In many schools, collaborative leadership and practices are central to the work of the professionals in the building—teachers, administrators, nonteaching staff, and union leaders. Examples of this include professional learning communities, site-based teams charged with improving school policy and classroom teaching and learning, labor-management collaborations, and teacher development strategies, such as peer assistance and review."27

Collaborative Leadership Implementation


San Diego Unified has strong collaborative leadership structures already build into our negotiated contract. Site Governance Teams (SGT) contractually allows for the community (teachers, staff, students, parents, & community members) to have the power/ability to make decisions regarding the design and implementation of effective strategies for learning and teaching. One of the strategies that SGT has the contractual ability to advise and oversee is Community Schools. Some schools have very strong diverse SGTs with clear meeting norms and protocols; others need help with recruiting members from different educational partner groups and/or building up meeting norms and protocols. 

Designated Community School sites need to also figure out where the bulk of the work is going to take place. The Community Schools initiative is inherently collaborative (due to the nature as well as the size and scope of the work), and therefore a shared decision-making body must be identified to aid in the completion of the different benchmarks throughout the community schools journey. Sites must figure out if their Community Schools Team is going to be their site's SGT itself or if they would prefer to create a sub-committee of their SGT to engage in the work. Predominately small schools have opted to just use their SGTs, while larger schools (predominately high schools) have decided to create a sub-committee. 


One of the most important pillars of Community Schools is collaborative leadership. Who knows what is best for the community? The community? Who knows what services are needed and how they should be rendered? The community. Who is needed to ensure the sustainability of solutions, programs, and protocols? The community. In order to ensure that the community is empowered and in control of its future and growth, all community members should be represented throughout the different benchmarks of the Community Schools process. That said, representation is not sufficient to gain collaborative leadership; structures and procedures are necessary to ensure the uplift of those who are often times crowded out by the larger voices in the room. The aim of the work is to build up educational partner voices in collaborative leadership bodies as well as ensure those voices have the space to have a meaningful impact within not just the community schools initiative but also throughout the decisions that affect the community. 

Component 1: Building Up SGTs & Establishing Your Community Schools Team

Component 2: Building up Consensus Model Decision-Making 

Component 3: Markers of Collaborative Leadership

Resources: Collaborative Leadership Resource HUB

Resources: Consensus Model Decision-Making Docs

Meeting Facilitation Guides

Community Schools Team

Context: The journey of the Community Schools initiative is a long one that takes a decent amount of work. It is meant to ensure the the voices of all educational partners are heard and acted upon. A necessary component for this journey is the construction of a Community Schools Team. Each school needs to make a decision about the construction of their Community Schools Team: (1) Their SGT becomes their Community Schools Team or (2) they construct a Community Schools Sub-committee via their SGT.  


(1) Work together to ensure all voices are heard in the planning and implementation process of our needs and assets assessment. 

(2) Ensure the highest levels of transparency when it comes to vetting spending of our site's Community Schools funding for proposed project. 

(3) Work together to identify and help the formation of working groups to address the areas of growth that arise from our needs and assets assessment. 

(4) Act as facilitators for the working groups to ensure implementation of science-based problem solving is followed with fidelity.

Resources: See below for (1) a list of current members, (2) past meeting notes & agendas, (3) future meeting notes & agendas

Resources: Community Schools Team Docs