
SDUSD Community Schools Initiative 

Road Maps & Benchmarks 

Schools embarking on their first year in the community schools process will follow these benchmarks. The benchmarks are focused on learning about the research behind the strategy and listening to their school communities, which includes students, families, all staff, and community members.

Schools in their second year of implementation will take what they've learned from their first year to do a deep data dive into the unique factors that affect student conditions. This allows schools to not only remedy the symptoms affecting their students but target the root causes of these symptoms by using evidence-based strategies to support our students.

Roles and Responsibilities

Check out the expectations for each of the roles that provide Community Schools supports on each of our Community Schools Sites. 

Funding Requests

Asks & Needs for Support

STAC - Asks for Supports for Year 3-4
RTAC - Asks for Supports for Year 3-4

All Structure Planning Docs & Supports