Staff Voices

Data Gathering Plan 

Mechanisms for Data Gathering: 

"Focus Group" Purpose: Have each stakeholder group be able to have a clear conversation with fellow peers and distill a clear, prioritized list of needs. 

"Survey" Purpose: First, to site map the location, assets, and engagement of teachers throughout campus. Second, allow for teachers to voice individual prioritized asks; this way, we can both analyze the aggregated individual needs/asks and compare them to the stakeholder group needs/asks. 

"One-on-one" Purpose: Reach out to individuals whose data we were not able to capture within a focus group and/or survey. 

Hoover Example:

Steps Taken:

Part 1: Community Schools Sub-Committee Working Group Pullout - (1/17/23)

Pull out with multiple stakeholders - community schools coordinator works with parents and community partners, CS Teacher-Coach works with staff. 

First focus on staff Needs/Assets Assessment (first half), second work on student need/assets assessment. 

i. First: Identify all the different stakeholds (groups) within the larger stakeholder designation. (ex: staff  = teachers, facilities, cafeteria, security, etc.)

ii. Second: Issue Identification (Qualitative) - Identify overarching issues that might affect all groups within that larger stakeholder designation (ex: attendance affects all staff stakeholders, etc.)

ii. Third: Issue Identification (Quantitative) - Dive into existing data for your site (ex: Health Kids Survey) identify specific evidence that either supports or refutes that the issues from the group are in fact major issues facing the site. If the data indicates new issues that are not listed, add the issue and the reflective supporting evidence to the list. 

iv. Fourth:  Prioritization - Have the members of the committee identify which they think are the top issues that reflect their stakholder group. Narrow down the larger issue list to 3-4. 

v. Fifth: Jigsaw Question Construction - Divide up into small groups to build out specific survey questions for each issue that are aimed at (a) better understanding the cause/extent of the issue at hand, (b) help figure out potential solutions to address the issue/area of growth. 


Part 2: Data Collection - (1/27-3/1)


Part 3: Community Schools Sub-Committee Working Group Pullout - (3/2)

Part 4: Follow Up & Voice Collection 

Hoover's Staff Needs & Assets Assessment Results

Certificated Staff Individual Survey Data: 

Supporting Materials For Implementation