Parent/Guardian Voices

Data Collection Plan & Process

Part 1: Data Collection Plan & Question Construction

1. Power Question Construction: Create touch points (1 to 3 power questions) to be used at the beginning of parent meetings on campus:


Question 1: What do you love most about Crawford?

Question 2: What does your vision of a perfect Crawford High School look like?

Question 3: What does Crawford need to do to achieve this vision?

2. Drafting of Questions and Process: 

Focus group the rough draft with family groups to see if they have any critiques, comments, or additions for the substance and/or process for the survey and/or data collection. 

3. Finalizing of Questions & Process: Refine the process and the questionnaire per the feedback from the community schools sub-committee

Using feedback finalize a rough draft to be previewed by other staff stakeholder groups (particularly administration and parent leaders).

4. Create Comprehensive List of all the Opportunities for Family Engagement - See 0.2 - Family NAA Opportunities that lists out all of the opportunities for people to help to push-in and facilitate the different components of the NAA. Clearly identify the leads for the different opportunities, the dates of launching, any needed training or onboarding for implementation as well as any necessary information and resources for implementation. 

Part 2: Building the Implementation Team 

1. Parent Ambassador Recruitment: Work with school educational partner groups to identify “parent ambassadors” that can help reach other parents and help in the data-gathering process

CCC, SAY San Diego/Crawford Community Connections, Global Arc - PLA - Global Arc/PSRO, PANA

UPAC, Somali Family Services, Family Engagement Department

2. Student Groups: Identify and onboard key student leaders to help with implementation of the Family NAA by engageing: (1) Small Group Data Collection Facilitation, (2) Phone Banking, (3) In person One-on-ones.

3. Community Partner Recruitment: Identify community partners with connections to parents and enlist their support in reaching parents via email and in person at community events and meetings. Aiding in(1) Small Group Data Collection Facilitation, (2) Phone Banking, (3) In person One-on-ones.

Part 3: Data Collection/Implementation

Part 4: Post Data-Collection

1. Code: (a) Color code the answers according to what theme/category the answer mostly fits within (ex: Bathrooms are dirty and have broken doors = Facilities). (b) Analyze the data to identify the top three concerns facing the parents/guardians.

2. Act: Identify "low-hanging fruit" (areas of concern or growth that can quickly be addressed) from the focus group answers. Act to address the "low-hanging fruit" so that your team can create quick wins and show people that you are actively listening and responding to their needs.

3. Present: Create an outward-facing friendly summary of the priorities and present the data back to the staff as a whole. Make sure to highlight the aggregated data results of the focus groups and surveys as well as the quick wins from the addressed "low-hanging fruit." 

Parent/Guardian NAA Resources