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SDUSD School Gardens

Growing School Gardens Summit: 

Post-Summit Gathering

Whether you're attending the summit or not, we're inviting you to a post-summit luncheon! 

DRAFT Agenda

12:00 Event Starts

12:00 - 12:45 Lunch 

12:45 -2:00 Choose your own adventure (Share Circles or Nature Journaling) 

2:00 - 2:30 Closing 

Share Circle: We'll have 3 Share Circles for Elementary folks, Middle/HS folks, and Administrative folks. Each circle will be an open forum facilitated by someone who attended the summit. Didn't attend the summit? Here's your chance to ask questions! Attended but missed a workshop you were interested in? Connect with someone who did! 

Nature Journaling will be a light lift activity for any audience member whether you are a classroom/garden teacher, district stakeholder, or other. This is a great activity for those who have already attended the summit or have

Limited space!
Summit registrants: Only the first 30 folks who sign up will be able to attend.

Non-summit registrants: the first 20 folks to sign up will be able to attend.