Library Rules and Policies
1: No eating in the library; Please be careful with your drinks.
2: No loud noises or conversations; please keep it down for your peers and teachers; take phone calls outside, please.
3: No running inside the library.
4: You must have either a physical pass or one in 5-Star, our school's pass system. No pass, back to class.
5: Do not move any of the furniture. If you do, you are to move it back before you leave; no tipping or jumping over furniture either.
6: Don’t leave your belongings alone; the librarian and/or staff are not responsible for your items.
7: Absolutely no roughhousing or fighting; campus security will be called.
8: No passing through the backdoor without teacher or librarian’s permission.
Let’s keep Morse Library a safe and welcoming space
It is possible for a student to be banned from the library. Please read the following document to further understand this, and reach out to Ms. Sarah if you have any questions or concerns.
Outline of being banned from Morse Library and Innovation Center