Medically & Physically Challenged (MPC)
What is “Medically and Physically Challenged/MPC?”
SDUSD’s classrooms are for students with significant medical and physical challenges.
These classrooms provide an individualized, highly structured, multi-sensory environment with specialized equipment that is responsive to auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive sensory inputs.
Individualized student programs are developed for students in MPC classrooms that include a variety of related services and supports and are based on individual needs as outlined in the student’s IEP.
MPC classrooms utilize a multi-sensory approach to curriculum based on alternative standards and lead to a Certificate of Completion as an alternative to a diploma.
Eligibility criteria
Students who:
have significant multiple disabilities and
who qualify for CAA Level 1/ have significantly below-average general intellectual functioning (generally 0-24 month range of intellectual development) existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior that adversely affects educational performance and
are dependent on others for activities of daily living (i.e. feeding, toileting, etc.). Students typically require supportive equipment for sitting, standing, mobility, or transfers to access their educational environment and significant curricular modifications to access curriculum and
have medical needs that are chronic in nature and that require an immediate medical response, from specially trained staff.
ALL of the above criteria must be met in order for placement in an MPC classroom in order to provide Free and Appropriate Public Education in the Least Restrictive Environment
How is placement in an MPC classroom determined?
The MPC Referral Process has been updated to follow the LRE consult process.
Guidelines for MPC Referral Process and MPC Flow Chart to help IEP teams
Questions regarding a LRE Consultation contact your Area Program Manager.
MPC Curriculum
Active Learning
originated by Dr. Lilli Nielsen
learner is the active participant
appropriate for learners who have a developmental age of 4 or under
reaches learners with significant disabilities
everyone can learn philosophy
uses equipment to support students and provide feedback
encourages use of toys (many are household items) that have auditory & tactile qualities
created by Linda Bidabe
top-down, activity based program used in schools, community, homes and adult facilities
movement is the primary foundation for learning
team approach including learner, family, teacher, all related service providers….
embeds skill practice during the learner’s functional activities
designed to teach basic, functional motor skills & to increase independence is sitting, standing, walking & transitioning
appropriate for teaching meaningful life skills
Feeding safety and supports
Students may exhibit a variety of needs in related to feeding and the districts as multiple options to support those needs. This can include the consultation process and also coordination with our food services department for specific dietary needs (medically based).
Feeding Safety Support Team:
Site Nurse
District Physician
MPC Lead Teacher
Feeding Support Process:

Cover letter for special meals

Medical statement for special meals