If you have a student you think requires Low Incidence Services, please fill out the Initial Contact Form and someone from our department will reach out to you.

If this is a referral for Vision Therapy, please email vtclerk@sandi.net. The Low Incidence Department does not manage Vision Therapy referrals.

Alison Cardenas

Low Incidence Program Specialist


Phone: (858) 302-2071

Deaf or Hard of Hearing/Audiology:

Visual Impairments: 

Physical and Health Impairments:

Medically & Physically Challenged: 


Program Model: The Deaf & Hard of Hearing program provides and array of interpretation and transcription supports for students. We employ highly qualified certified interpreters (eg. National Interpreter Certification NIC). Transcribers also engage in a tiered qualification system. All staff engage in continuing professional development to maintain a high level of quality for student services. To request services please email DHHhands@sandi.net.  


San Diego Unified School District received specific funding for students in Low Incidence populations. This funding supports their access through equipment and technology. Specific criteria must be met in order to qualify for funding through a referral process. Low Incidence Teachers can be contacted for more information and consultation. 


I CAN, Too! Center