If you have a student you think requires Low Incidence Services, please fill out the Initial Contact Form and someone from our department will reach out to you.
If this is a referral for Vision Therapy, please email vtclerk@sandi.net. The Low Incidence Department does not manage Vision Therapy referrals.
Deaf or Hard of Hearing/Audiology:
Program Model: The DHH program provides supports and services for students with an educationally significant hearing loss impacting their educational performance; these students meet the criteria under the Deaf or Hard of Hearing federal handicapping code.
Target Population: Students infant through age 22 who have an educationally significant hearing loss (e.g. deaf or hard of hearing) requiring instruction to address communication needs through oral language development or American Sign Language (ASL).
Location: Direct and consultative services are provided to itinerant students, home-based infant and ECSE students, as well as, students who are in DHH separate classes (at select district locations), non-public schools, or state residential schools. Sign Language interpreting services are provided for signing students as well as note taking and transcription services in general education classes.
LRE Considerations: Students are supported in their general education classroom unless the needs require a more restrictive environment. Students who are deaf or have significant hearing loss or are learning ASL are considered for DHH classrooms. We offer a range of services across educational settings.
Special Notes regarding the Program: Consultation is required prior to assessment for DHH supports and services. Audiology, psychological, and academic assessments determine qualification and programming needs.
Visual Impairments:
Program Model: The VI program provides supports and services for students with an educationally significant vision loss impacting their educational performance. Students meet criteria under the Visual Impairment federal handicapping code.
Target Population: Students infant through age 22 who have a visual impairment (not correctable with glasses) and require braille instruction, adaptive materials/equipment, technology, and/or other communication supports.
Location: Students with visual impairments are supported through a variety of educational options including general education classes or special education classes with itinerant support, identified district schools with resource rooms (braille), non-public schools, or state residential schools. The transcription department provides braille and other material supports.
LRE Considerations: Direct and consultative services are provided to itinerant students, home-based infant and ECSE students. Certain identified district schools provide braille supports on-site or through itinerant staff.
Special Notes regarding the Program: Consultation is required prior to assessment for VI supports and services. Documented vision assessments, psychological, and academic assessments determine qualification and programming needs.
Physical and Health Impairments:
Program Model: The PHI program serves a wide variety of students who have physical and/or health impairments (including a traumatic brain injury). Students in this program meet the criteria eligibility criteria of Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury or Multiple Disabilities federal handicapping codes.
Target Population: Students infant through age 22 who have physical and/or health impairments requiring functional instruction, adaptive equipment, technology, and/or communication supports.
Location: Direct and consultative services are provided in general education and special education settings. This includes general education classes with PHI itinerant teacher/SET support, separate classrooms, PHI separate classrooms, and non-public schools.
LRE Considerations: Students are supported in their general education classroom unless the needs require a more restrictive environment.
Special Notes regarding the Program: Consultation is required prior to assessment for PHI supports and services.
Medically & Physically Challenged:
Program Model: The MPC program is designed for students with significant cognitive, medical and physical needs. These students typically meet the criteria for a Primary Disability Code of Multiple Disabilities with a Secondary Disability Code of Orthopedic Impairment. These students tend to have significant health issues that are chronic in nature and often require an immediate medical response. The students require the use of adaptive equipment for proper classroom positioning, as well as access to assistive technology to meet their communication needs.
Target Population: Students preschool through age 22 who have significant cognitive, medical and physical needs requiring a separate classroom due to the complex nature of their disabilities. These students have cognitive abilities in the moderate/severe range.
Location: MPC classrooms are identified at specific school sites (Preschool through age 22).
LRE Considerations: Students are supported within an MPC special day class setting.
Special Notes regarding the Program: Consultation is required prior to placement in an MPC classroom. Initial and triennial assessments are used to recommend programming needs.
Program Model: The Deaf & Hard of Hearing program provides and array of interpretation and transcription supports for students. We employ highly qualified certified interpreters (eg. National Interpreter Certification NIC). Transcribers also engage in a tiered qualification system. All staff engage in continuing professional development to maintain a high level of quality for student services. To request services please email DHHhands@sandi.net.
San Diego Unified School District received specific funding for students in Low Incidence populations. This funding supports their access through equipment and technology. Specific criteria must be met in order to qualify for funding through a referral process. Low Incidence Teachers can be contacted for more information and consultation.