How do I assign and collect student work?

If you use Google Classroom, we suggest the following as easiest. 

There are many other processes that will work, but this is our recommended one. 

  How can students save their Scratch projects?

We strongly recommend you have students use the Scratch website, but do not login (or create accounts).  When students click on our starter projects, they will open on the Scratch website.  They then modify them and BEFORE they close their computer, download them to their chromebook/laptop.  

  How do I look at Scratch projects students shared with me?

You will need to follow this process for each student project (assuming they sent you a googledrive link where the .sb3 project is stored).

 What other ways can students share their projects with me?

Your students will need to upload a Scratch project file (extension is .sb3) someplace you can access it. You have options, which may be based on your LMS.  Some examples:

What do I do if the Scratch website is down/slow/not working? 

Just take the day off! Occasionally the website gets broken or needs maintenance. Don't worry. Read a book and come back tomorrow. 

Get your sprites back to their starting location and position.