Clairemont High Nursing and Wellness

Nurse Sascha (Alexandra) Lopez-Nusser

(619) 605-2600 x3050 

Supporting students and families Monday through Friday during school hours. (Apoyando a los estudiantes y sus familias de lunes a viernes durante el horario escolar).  

If I am not available during school hours and it is urgent, please contact Sue De Lira our Cluster Coordinator.  Phone: 619.221-8090  Email:

What to do if your student feels sick, SDUSD current illness protocol 2024 updated guidelines:

STUDENTS CAN NOT COME TO SCHOOL WITH THE FOLLOWING NEW SYMPTOMS.  They will also be sent home for any of the following  new symptoms with a free home COVID test.

Public health guidelines do not require 5 days of isolation any longer.  Students may return to school after no fever for 24 hours without fever reducing medications and cold medicines, symptoms are mild/significantly getting better, not trending worse.  We ask that COVID positive students still protect their neighbors by masking up when they return to school for the first 10 days of illness.  

If your student has any of the following

☐ Fever with or no chills > 100.0F

☐ Cough*

☐ Shortness of breath

☐ Nasal congestion/Rhinorrhea (Runny Nose)*

☐ Sore Throat

☐ Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea*

☐ Fatigue*

☐ New Loss of Taste/Smell

☐ Headache*

☐ Muscle/Body Aches*

☐ Poor Feeding or Poor Appetite*

For these symptoms, please keep student at home until they are feeling significantly better and they are improving (not getting worse).

Please use this link to report positive COVID tests 

Self Reporting Tool Link:

Important Health Links:

COVID home test kits are available for free in the front office and in the health office.


Rady Children's Hospital

Questions about COVID-19? Call 858-966-8399, 8 a.m.-10 p.m., seven days a week. 

San Diego County Supports 211

As a local non-profit operating 24 hours a day, 365 days each year, 211 San Diego is the region’s source for access to community, health, social, and disaster services. By simply dialing 211 the call is free, confidential and available in more than 200 languages. 211 provides access to 6,000+ services, resources and programs through their online database.

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Wellness starts with you...