Welcome to Birney Elementary's 5th Grade
International Baccalaureate

A Message from Bernard Steinberger, Principal, Roosevelt International Middle School


All International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme students test their social, research, communication, self-management and thinking skills as they take on the IB Exhibition. They join IB students from around the world who take on the same challenge with issues that are near and dear to them, where they live, study, and place. 

Visit Birney projects at the links above.

More about the IB Exhibition...

Who Am I? What Change Do I Want to See in the World? 

We answered the challenge of teaching during the pandemic by creating our first Virtual Exhibition in 2020. Although we are back face-to-face, we realized we can offer both a virtual and in-person Exhibition and our on-site promotion. We can have the best of both worlds. We hope that the virtual exibition link will allow families, near and far, to view the hard-work and commitment of our internationally-minded Birney Bees. 

Knowledgeable, Caring, Risk-takers

We invite you to celebrate our Birney Bees and their incredible accomplishments of learning and improving their skills using complex technologies and programs that were new to most households and classrooms back in 2020. Post-pandemic, we continue to experience tremendous change in our families, school, and communities. These topics represent issues that are important to our students. These students take a risk as they embark on the IB Primary Years Exhibition. 

Open-minded, Principled & Caring

Since they were young, our Birney Bees are taught and inspired to take action. With this Exhibition, you will see that although they are digital natives, they live a life beyond their screens. Our Birney Bees are principled and caring young people who are developing the skills, knowledge and understandings needed to improve their own lives, the lives of those around us, both virtually and face-to-face. 

Balanced Inquirers

We are proud of what they've accomplished during challenging times and for the pricipled action they will continue to take in the future. We look forward to you using what you've learned here at Birney, at home, on your teams, in your communities, and in your virtual environments to continue to find balance, peace, and a place in our world where they can be the best person for themselves and those around them. We hope they will continue to ask important questions and use research skills to tackle tough situations, tough issues, and make principled choices for their own and others' success. We count on our promoting class to continue to search out opportunities to take principled action in the future. 

Creative Thinkers & Communicators

Together our students designed their Exhibition based on what they think is important in our world. They thought about what keeps them awake at night, what issues they view as critical to them and their classmates. They communicated with their teams to locate, evaluate, organize, synthesize, and present a variety of topics and continued to work through situations that challenges and further developed their social and self-management skills. Through clear and consistent communication, they developed as critical and creative readers, and researchers, with important messages they want to share with our world through their presentations. The students will continue to learn and develop as researchers and communicators. This is their first attempt at a research project, all on their own. Great first step!

Inquiry & Reflection

Now we challenge you, our Birney learning community, to visit the student project pages to find your own inspiration. Be a risk-takers and reflect on your own actions and reactions to what they are sharing with you. How will you take what you view and learn today and improve yourself, your family, our communities, cities, state, nations, and our world? 

 View Exhibition projects from students from around the world at IBPYPX2023.